Yaseen Davids

Junior Web Developer

About Me

A very hardworking and ambitious person with a passion for working with computers and people. Have been building computers since the age of 9, and recently gotten into the software side of computers. Developed many websites while completing a Full Stack Web Development Course. A very curious person with an analytical mind, looking for the why behind everything and always looking for the efficient way to solve a problem. Eager to be challenged in order to grow and improve my skills.

Secondary Education

Harold Cressy High School

Year: 2013-2017

Qualification: NSC - Bachelors

Subjects: Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Geography

Tertiary Education

Life Choices Academy

Year: 2018 (March - August)

Course: Front End Web Development

Subjects: Programming, professional development, design thinking

The Life Choices Academy is a full-time program which empowers youth from the Cape Flats with life, practical and professional development skills. We did intensive study of the following web development languages: HTML, CSS, SASS, jQuery, JavaScript, Node and MongoDB. As part of our professional development, we had the opportunity to use online resources such as MOOCs, were taught Design Thinking and made use of resources for personal reflection, such as DISC profiles and SMART goal setting. Taking part in this course has provided me professional and life skills which has lead me to find my passion.

Work Experience

Job Shadowing

Sanlam Head Office (Web Developer)

Learnt how to develop and design Websites using Wordpress.

Period: 3 Weeks

Reference: Ebrahim Ismail - 082 777 2349

Dial a Nerd (Computer Technician)

With a Dial a Nerd technician troubleshooting and assisting in repair internet and hardware issues. Learnt to install and update software, and reconfigure laptops.

Period: 2 Days

Reference: Hayden - 061 363 3558

Teaching Coding during High School

Managed and taught Scratch to a classroom of students.

Period: 2 Years

Reference: David De Storie/081 509 8179/destoried@gmail.com

Completed Projects

Outdoor Adventures

Hobbies / Interests

  • Programming
  • Mechanics
  • Building Computers
  • Game & Software Development
  • Psychology
  • Outdoor Activities (Fishing, Hiking)
  • Soccer
  • Video Games

Get in touch

Email: yaseendavids477@gmail.com

Phone Number: 061 647 8942